jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

Ron Mueck at Fondation Cartier Paris

Ron Mueck, born in Australia (Melbourn 1958) and living in London, this artist rarely exhibits in Europe... but now we have the chance to enjoy his artworks at the Fondation Cartier por l'Art in Paris. It started a couple of days ago (April 16th) and it will be running until September 29th.

Fondation Cartier pour l'Art, Paris
Artículo en español '20 minutos' sobre la exposición de Ron Mueck en la Fundación Cartier de París
 Mueck reproduces with 'fidelity' every detail of the human body buy size, with surprising changes of scale, avoiding the portrait.

In this exhibition, six important recent sculptures and three produced especially for this event, plus a new film recording the acti of creation, made for the occasion by Gautier Deblonde.

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